
Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Don't go chasing waterfalls" unless you're in shape.

Pedernales Falls.....

Was on a quest today to test out my photography skills and a slower shutter speed on my new camera. Let's just say I definitely had to work for these shots. I wish now I would have taken pictures of the actual boulders I had to climb over to get to these different areas with the pools. Stairmaster is nothing compared to this workout!!!!

I took 3 shots of each of these scenes at 3 exposures and combined in Photomatix Pro. I'm very new to HDR and just learning the ins and outs of it, so you are seeing my skills at a beginners level. With the Nikon D7000 I can set up my auto bracket to take these shots in a series of three. My skills haven't gone beyond that....

This pool was absolutely beautiful. The water is so clear you can see the formations below the surface...a return trip is in the works!!!


  1. These photos are beautiful! Have you tried to shoot at Blue Hour yet? I tried last night and it was BLACK...I had all of my settings right (i think) I just don't know what went wrong!


  2. Thanks!!!I haven't attempted the Blue hour yet. I'm a little behind on the lessons. I'll be reading up on it tonight and then try to shoot. I just finished reading the histograms and that kind of shut my brain down :) I think I may need to read that a few times.
